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A commercial lender provides services to businesses, especially loans for items such as business equipment, investment property, and inventory. Commercial loans are backed by collateral. The collateral can be real estate, inventory, and a variety of other assets.

At HSH Associates Financial Publishers website, a complete listing of all commercial lenders throughout the United States can be accessed. This information includes names, locations, and in most cases a direct link to that particular lender for further information.

Commercial loans differ from most types of loans because each application is evaluated on a case by case basis. The person requesting the loan has to sell the lender on the fact that they endeavor will be profitable. However, every commercial loan is reviewed for credit worthiness, the value of the collateral, debt ratio, and property analysis.

Two debt ratios are used to analyze the personal budget of a loan applicant, top debt ratio and bottom debt ratio. Top debt ratio is the persons monthly housing expenses divided by their gross income. Bottom debt ratio is total housing expenses + debt payments divided by gross income. Top debt ratio should not be more than 25%; bottom debt ratio should not be more than 33 1/3%. If the ratios are more, the loan will either by denied or approved with a higher interest rate.

For small businesses, you might consider looking into a loan from the Small Business Association. The have Small Business Development Centers throughout the United States. The centers will assist you with all the paper work and answer all of your questions at no cost. After all the documentation is submitted, you will have an answer within 10 working days. Generally, you will have a slightly higher interest rate, but it will be worth it if you qualify under their guidelines.

Investing in commercial property or small business is an exciting venture. Understand commercial lending issues and basic requirements will help you get the best financing for your endeavors. The Small Business Development Centers offer you excellent service including financial counseling at no charge. You can find a center near you by logging onto their website.

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